Contextual Menus

With iOS 13 and forScore 11.1, contextual menus give you easy access to common actions and, when applicable, thumbnail previews of your content. Here are some of the ways contextual menus help you work more quickly in forScore:

  • Preview a score and open it in a new tab, share it, clone it, delete it, or fetch PDF metadata
  • Preview a bookmark and open it in a new tab, share it, or delete it
  • Tap and hold a setlist to share, duplicate, move it to the top or bottom of the list, or delete it
  • Tap and hold a setlist folder to move it to the top or bottom of the list or delete it
  • Preview an item in a setlist and open it in a new tab, share it, replace it, move it to the top or bottom of the list, or remove it
  • Rename or delete a library
  • Copy, paste, replace, clear, or delete annotation layers
  • Edit, duplicate, or delete annotation drawing presets
  • Preview items in the Services panel (if supported) and download, move, rename, or delete them
  • Share or open storefront items in the App Store or Safari, when applicable, or re-download a purchased product
  • Duplicate or share Dashboard goals and edit or delete reports
  • Share, rename, or delete backups
  • Recover or permanently erase items in the Trash section of the Backups panel
  • Tap and hold most items in the Tools menu to learn more about them

Contextual menus are activated using a tap and hold gesture, much like using drag and drop gestures in iOS 11 and 12. In cases where both contextual menus and drag and drop are supported, tap and hold an item until the menu appears, then drag your finger around on the screen (without lifting it first) to use drag and drop. If needed, either/both of these interaction types can be disabled in the Accessibility section of forScore’s settings panel.